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Friday, 24 August 2018

How to post pictures on Instagram using laptop

How to post pictures on Instagram using laptop
With almost 400 million active users daily, Facebook-owned photo and video sharing platform , Instagram claims to have one of the largest user base globally. The Instagram app on smartphones offers slew of features such as posting images, videos, stories and more. However, the web version of the platform is very limited in terms of features and functionalities.

The desktop version only allows users to view posts shared by others along with some other features like deleting, disabling and downloading Instagram data from accounts.
Sometimes one may want to post an image from a PC on Instagram and to do this, we have to go through lot of hassle of transferring it to a smartphone and then posting it through the Instagram app. Well, now you can do this using the Instagram website. Wondering how? Here’s our guide on how to post images on Instagram website on PC.

First thing first:
Download and install the latest version of Google Chrome (Version 67)
Steps to follow:
  1. Open Google Chrome on your PC or Mac
  2. Go to ‘’ and login using your credentials
  3. Click on the three – vertical dots at the top-right corner
  4. Head to ‘More tools’ and select ‘Developers tools’ (alternatively, you can also press Ctrl+Shift+C to open developer tools)
  5. On ‘Developers tools’ page, click on the ‘Mobile’ icon located at the left of the ‘Elements’ option
  6. Now, reload the webpage
  7. Click on the ‘+’ sign at the bottom center of the page
  8. Navigate to the location and select the image you want to upload
  9. Then, click on ‘Next’ option
  10. Now, write the caption, add location, and tag people (if you want) for the post
  11. Click on ‘Share’ button from the top-right corner to upload your post on Instagram

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